Living vs Dying
We all come to our first breath with the express understanding that there will be a last. What falls in-between these breaths is called Life. There are so many ways to live this Life, as many as there are personalities, incarnations, on this planet. Each one of us will have a series of experiences that help us direct our lives, choosing our path and guiding us to new experiences. Some live a full, active, passionate Life; others spend this time avoiding death. It’s really all in our perspective.
After a diagnosis of cancer, many choices still exist. The first is the most critical; do we fall into the pit of despair or do we find our way to contemplation and prayer? The box we keep ourselves hidden in is now cracked. We can patch up the crack and continue to hide or we can step into the light now peeking through. Whether of a religious affiliation or not, prayer becomes a part of your healing routine when you take this route.
We are all going to leave this body, this vehicle, behind. When, where and how are all unknown, even if dealing with a terminal diagnosis. It has been said that all fears and phobias stem from the main fear: the fear of death. I
I chose neither. I chose Love.
Final Thoughts
Death will come to us eventually. Life will not. Taking a breath every 2-5 seconds does not denote Life, it is merely a sign that our body is viable. Life is all those experiences that express the joy, fun and frolic of what ignites our passions, packed into a space of time. Some have more space and time, others have more experiences, but all have a chance at Life.
Life is a journey. We can stay curled up tight or we can reach for the stars. Being diagnosed with cancer has offered me a chance to choose. The crack has opened, and the light is seeping in. Once this happens it cannot be undone.